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Is automobile insurance mandatory to register a motor vehicle in Florida? Yes. Any four wheel motor vehicle must maintain minimum mandatory insurance coverage of $10,000 Personal Injury Protection (PIP) and $10,000 Property Damage Liability (PDL) as long as your vehicle is registered in Florida. Can I use the auto insurance policy from my previous State, after moving to Florida, to register a vehicle? No. Your car insurance policy must be placed by a licensed Florida agent with an insurance company licensed to sell policies in Florida. The same insurance company can be utilized, as long as they are licensed in Florida and a new Florida policy is issued. What happens if a policy is not kept in force on my Florida registered vehicle? Your Florida driver license and vehicle registration may be canceled for up to three years or until the required insurance is obtained and proof is presented to the Florida Department of Motor Vehicles. Once a Florida driver's license is suspended reinstatement fees will apply. Must a policy be maintained on a Florida registered vehicle that is not being used? Yes. Any vehicle with a Florida tag and registration must have the required insurance coverage even if the vehicle is not being used. How can I avoid a suspension on a Florida registered vehicle that is not being used and I want to cancel the insurance? Surrender the tag and registration prior to cancelling your insurance policy. Show proof of the surrender to the Department of Motor Vehicles. Clifford J. Schimek is a licensed agent and owner of Florida Auto Plus Insurance agency. Florida quotes for car insurance is our specialty. Call or click: Article Source: Article Source:
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